
Carried on the ebb and flow of human tide, adrift upon the sea of life in an archipelago of tow’ring glass and steel. Jetsam of society, Marooned deliberately to save a Ship of State promoting disparate fates to maintain its affluence. Or accidental flotsam, detrital wreckage from bankrupt business ventures strangely free from censure that turned his world upside down. It is not his choice to sleep in doorways where he keeps his worldly goods close by garbage bags to keep them dry. He has no better option.
© David E. Moon, 2014 All rights reserved


Carried on the ebb and flow of human tide, adrift upon the sea of life in an archipelago of tow’ring glass and steel. Jetsam of society, Marooned deliberately to save a Ship of State promoting disparate fates to maintain its affluence. Or accidental flotsam, detrital wreckage from bankrupt business ventures strangely free from censure that turned his world upside down. It is not his choice to sleep in doorways where he keeps his worldly goods close by garbage bags to keep them dry. He has no better option.
© David E. Moon, 2014 All rights reserved